Monday, October 7, 2013

Five Expert Tips for Seeking IVF Treatment

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has evolved into a sophisticated procedure ever since its breakthrough in 1978. With the availability of hi-tech infrastructure, effective treatment options and increased awareness, more and more people are willing to spend lakhs of rupees on IVF, one of the most expensive assisted reproductive technologies. Noticing the boom in the fertility sector in India, All India Institute of Medical Sciences is planning to provide in vitro fertilisation treatment to infertile couples at an affordable price.

However, the advances in fertility treatment options in India has its own share of menace. Experts suggest you should stay guarded when seeking IVF treatment as ill equipped laws and unauthorized fertility centres have made medicine a profession, duping many a couples into false statistics. If you are planning to seek IVF treatment, follow these tips from Medical experts for better results:

1. Treatment from an Authorized Clinic:
There are approx 500 IVF clinics across India, but not all of them are authorized. The rise in fertility tourism in India has created a boom in the medical Industry making many inexperienced doctors open up infertility clinics at every nook and corner of the country. The situation is worse as there is no law governing the setup of infertility clinics. Indian Council of Medical Research, which is responsible for laying down guidelines have limited set of laws with respect to IVF, ICSI, egg donation, and surrogacy. Also, there is no record of number of clinics following ICMR’s guidelines. Many medico-legal issues related to doctor’s negligence, donor gametes without consent, surrogacy fail to come to limelight in these clinics making it difficult for patients to make the right choice of the treatment centre.

It is thus important to run a thorough check of the infertility clinic you visit. Ask for registeration certificate of the clinic and make sure you sign an agreement before getting into any kind of medical treatment at the fertility centres.

2. Explore all other assisted reproductive technology options before committing to IVF:
Experts suggest that IVF isn’t and shouldn’t be the first option. While doctors at the private fertility clinics may convince you about the success ratio of IVF, you must seek second medical opinion from a specialist to understand the variety of assisted reproductive technologies you can try before investing in an expensive treatment like IVF. Many times “low tech” treatments are helpful in achieving pregnancy and there is no requirement for IVF. Cross check your diagnosis by requesting medical second opinion from a gynecologist. You can now seek second opinion online from top notch gynecologists with the aid of healthcare companies which help you gain access to top-notch medical experts.

3.Explore the Best Fertility Method for your case:
Once your diagnosis is clear, ask your doctor for the assisted reproductive technology that will be best for your case. There are many services like artificial insemination by husband or donor sperm, gamete intra fallopian transfer (GIFT), in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer (IVF-ET), intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), donor egg treatment, donor embryo treatment and endoscopic diagnosis as well as the use of a surrogate mother. Discuss possible options with your doctor or seek second medical opinion from a medical expert to reconfirm your line of treatment.

4. Seek necessary guidance from Health care Medical Second opinion companies:
Advancements in World Wide Web have made it easier for patients to dictate their healthcare choices. Now you can choose your own doctors by reading patient reviews and opt for the line of treatment that suits you best. Feel free to join medical forums and discuss your case with patients combating similar ailments. Ask for reviews of doctors and clinics before visiting.

 Online medical second opinion firms help patients reach out to best of doctors and seek remote counselling from the comfort of their home. You can manage your medical records in an online repository and and have stress free recovery by seeking aid from an online medical representative who takes care of your medical insurance.

5. Stay abreast with the New Technological Developments in Assisted Reproductive technologies
Rapid technological advancements are taking place in the field of assisted reproduction and you must stay abreast with the changes to make the best of your treatment. A recent path breaking technology in IVF has made conception possible for women who have lost fertility due to ovarian cancer. A team of doctors at Royal Melbourne Hospital in Australia have achieved a breakthrough by helping an infertile woman to conceive through an ovarian tissue transplanted into her abdomen. Experts opine that this treatment is best for women who have a possibility of losing their fertility due to ovarian cancer treatment.

By Medical Opinion

Reining your Cholesterol Levels

Keeping a check on your cholesterol levels can reduce your chances of heart attack. There are three types of cholesterol - the good cholesterol also known as High Density Lipoprotein ( HDL), the bad cholesterol known as (LDL) Low Density Lipoprotein and the ugly Triglycerides which are fats derived from food. All the three cholesterol markers must be tuned equally to reach a perfect balance for a healthy heart. If you have to lower down any one of them, the rest two must also undergo a makeover.

The optimal reading of LDL cholesterol should be 100 mg/dl. The bad cholesterol or LDL is responsible for formation of plaque in the arteries leading to narrowing, blockage and hardening of arteries and a consequent heart attack. On the contrary, HDL aka good cholesterol helps in cleaning the artery narrowing plaque and therefore must be 60 mg/dl in women and 40-50 mg/dl in men. The normal reading for Triglycerides is less than 150 mg/dl. High levels of triglycerides ( 200 to 499 mg/dl ) is an indicator of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, factors responsible for cardiovascular diseases.

Here’s a review of expert guidelines for reining your cholesterol levels:

High Fibre, low fat diet:
An AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) study reported that a low fat high fibre diet can bring down LDL by 20 percent and a zero-oil diet can be helpful in toppling LDL levels to about 30 percent. Many other studies reiterate that a combination of a healthy diet and exercise can lower bad cholesterol.

Exercise and Active Lifestyle:
Lifestyle modifications and regular exercise are recommended to people with LDL from 80 – 100 mg /dl. Medication must be avoided if your LDL levels aren’t above 100 mg/dl, suggest experts. However, a good combination of lifestyle management and medication can help keeping cholesterol levels in check if you have  family history of cardio vascular diseases and diabetes.

Pills are not for everyone. There are markers that indicate it’s time to start medication to control bad cholesterol levels, suggest experts. Statin, a cholesterol-lowering drug, is widely recommended to people with LDL levels below 70 mg/dl but Cardiologists in India recommend statins for people with LDL over 100, suggesting alternative non-medicinal options to combat rising cholesterol levels. However, if you are at risk of developing heart disease, either because of family history or due to prior vascular problems, you must keep your LDL levels under 80 with medication along with lifestyle management.  

Cholesterol lowering drugs like Statins are expensive and have to be taken lifelong, so they should be prescribed only if lifestyle modifications don’t work, suggest experts. Also, these medications have severe side effects like muscle pain and weakness. But, reports show that patients under mediation have 25 percent lower risk of developing diabetes and osteoporosis and benefits can be noticed within a month. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Popular Aesthetic Procedures

Out of the 15 million people worldwide who resorted to plastic surgery in 2011 to enhance their looks, 466,231 were Indians, report a study. The staggering number of people going for cosmetic procedures has placed India 8th in the league of 25 countries known as popular cosmetic destinations.

Millions of Indians are going for tummy tucks, face lifts, fillers, jabs and peels in pursuit of overcoming congenital defects, bad lifestyle repercussions, accidental deformities, age or unappealing looks. Listed below are some of the popular aesthetic procedures Indian cosmetic surgeons have an expertise in:

Brow lift Surgery
Brow lift surgery is popular among women looking for a permanent anti-aging solution for sagging skin. As the name suggests, the surgery literally “lifts” the forehead skin or eyebrows to give a younger looking face. It is estimated that 7,869 Indians had full face lifts in the year 2011, depicting the rise of popularity of cosmetic procedures in India.

Crow's feet Removal Surgery
Crow’s feet are wrinkles at the corner of eyes. It is the most apparent sign of aging and can be removed with the aid of Botox, collagen injections, silicone drop injections, chemical peels and laser resurfacing.

Breast Augmentation
Breast implant is the most popular surgery opted by women to enhance their looks. However, statistics show that of 25,000 women who get their breasts enhanced through surgical procedure, 13, 561 have to undergo a subsequent breast reduction surgical treatment.

On an average 41,628 women undertake lipoplasty or fat modelling every year. Liposuction is a procedure in which fat is liquefied and sucked out of the body thereby reducing weight. Fat is sucked from any body part and the contouring is done in such a fashion that appearance of weight loss is greater than the amount of fat sucked from the body. 

Nasolabial and Mentolabial Folds Surgery
Permanent marking of smile lines or furrows around lips are first signs of aging. These wrinkles are surgically treated by stimulating collagen production in cells surrounding the treatment area. Permanent fillers or Temporary hyaluronic acid fillers are the most common treatments for nasolabial and mentolabial folds.

While these cosmetic procedures are widely available in most of cosmetic centres in India today, many cosmetic centres are run by amateur cosmetologists and thus proper research and care must be taken while choosing the right specialist and clinic. It is recommended to seek second medical opinion from a super specialist before opting for any treatment. 

Five Important Questions to Ask your Oncologist

Cancer is among the ten leading causes of death in India taking its toll on five lakh people annually. As per WHO Report 2005, the estimated cancer deaths in India are expected to increase to 7 lakh by 2015. Cancer is fast becoming a major health concern as up to one million new cases of cancer are reported every year. Medical experts opine that delay in diagnosis is one of the main reasons cancer has become a leading life threat. About two third of cancer cases in the country can be prevented if patients seek second medical opinion to rule out misdiagnosis and avoid delay in treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you must seek a second medical opinion  from an oncologist to get your reports cross checked and understand your medical condition. Here are a few questions you must ask your oncologist to get an better insight into your diagnosis and begin with a line of treatment that best suits your case:

What types of diagnostic testing have been performed to conclude my diagnosis?
Cancer diagnosis is not always straightforward. Experts explain that it's not always obvious which cells might be cancerous as every cancer is different. There are many cases of misdiagnosis reported every year wherein patients with benign tumors are treated for cancer. An accurate diagnosis is critical to determine an efficient treatment plan. Make sure your diagnosis has been made using the modern diagnostic equipments that can even detect the smallest lesions before any major symptoms are noticed.

Could you Interpret and explain my diagnostic report?
You must be able to understand the information generated about your medical condition in the tests. Ask your doctor for clear interpretation of the diagnostic report. Some of the questions that may concern you are:  The origin of cancer, size of tumor, stage of cancer and whether or not it has spread to other parts of the body.

What treatment options are available for my case?
There are many cancer treatments available depending on the type and stage of cancer. Seek medical opinion from an oncologist to completely understand the available treatment options before committing to one. With the aid of online healthcare companies you can now book appointment with top notch medical specialists or request second medical opinion from the comfort of your home.

Do you have a backup treatment procedure if the suggested approach doesn’t work for me?
The suggested or opted treatment option may not give desired results. It is thus important to keep a back up treatment option beforehand. Feel free to seek a second option from a super specialist if you feel that the line of treatment given by your doctor is not effective. It is advisable to talk to your own doctor about your inhibitions and ask for an alternative treatment method. Settle for an oncologist who is updated with the current oncological trends and is open to try new and effective approaches in healthcare.

What are the side effects of the suggested treatment, and how will you help me cope with them?

Always remember that no two patients have the same response  to similar treatments. Right from recovery time to side effects, every treatment aspect may vary depending on factors, external and internal. Ask your doctor about the potential side effects of the given treatment and how you can prepare yourself for them. Inquire if the care centre offers alternative therapies like nutrition therapy, ayurveda, yoga, pain management to help patients prevent and manage side effects of cancer treatment. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

In Pursuit of High-Tech Babies: Risks Involved in IVF Treatment

After three decades of IVF baby boom, researchers can now talk with authority about the lasting effects of the revolutionary assisted reproductive technology that gave life to five million children worldwide. A research shows that among 4,795 babies born after IVF and 46,025 infants who were conceived naturally, 3,463 babies developed congenital birth defects. There are yet many risks involved for children and mothers seeking IVF treatment.

Listed below are some of the research findings about the ill-effects of IVF treatment:

1. Multiple Births
Mothers in pursuit of single child may be blessed with twins, triplets or in some cases, octuplets. Research shows that a woman undergoing IVF has an approximate 22-fold increased risk of conceiving a twin pregnancy and a 100-fold increased risk of conceiving a triplet pregnancy. The truth remains that the chances of not conceiving even a single child is just as high, leaving the IVF process unpredictable and risky.  

Since women under the age of 35 have a less than 43% chance of giving birth after IVF as compared to women over 41 who have less than 18% chance, more than one embryo is implanted in the uterus to ensure successful pregnancy. However, implanting more than one embryo in the uterus increasing the chances of multiple pregnancies  and leading to complications and higher risks of early labor and low birth weight.

Although doctors today have become more cautious and technological advancements to determine the health of an embryo are readily available, yet the risks are high if age of expecting mothers is beyond 35. 

2. Development of Ovarian Hyper stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) in Women

Ovarian stimulation drugs are used in the initial stages of IVF cycle to induce ovulation. These injectable fertility drugs lead to development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome which causes swelling of ovaries leading to severe pain, weight gain and breathlessness. Use of fertility drugs like human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) for triggering octocycte release are common but should not be exceeded. Some of the symptoms are mild abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

3. Egg-retrieval Procedure Complications
There are many complications involved in procuring eggs from the uterus. An aspirating needle is used which may cause bleeding, infection or damage to the bowel. It is recommended to take up IVF treatment from a skilled surgeon after consulting gynecologists for a second medical opinion. Evaluate the risks involved when talking to your doctor and make sure you opt for a hygienic and technologically equipped fertility centre.

4. Birth Defects
Age of mother is the determining factor in development of birth defects in children. One study shows that almost ten percent of the babies born with IVF has a birth defect. A study shows that about 47 in 100,000 infants born from IVF developed cognitive deficits, such as low IQ or problems in communicating or socializing with others, compared with 40 in 100,000 among naturally conceived children.

5. Neurological Imbalance

In a recent study considered to be the largest study to date looking at the connection between IVF procedures and neurological disorders, researchers show that babies born through IVF  develop intellectual disabilities. The risks are higher among twins and triplets.

By Medical Opinion

Friday, September 20, 2013

In Vitro Fertilization(IVF): Five Fertility Facts

Infertility is rising at an alarming rate in India. It is estimated that around 250 million individuals estimated to be attempting parenthood at any given time, 13 to 19 million couples are likely to be infertile. With the growing infertility rate, there has been a spurt of IVF centres across the country as more and more people are turning to technology for parenthood. As per the estimate, there are 500 children born in IVF clinics in the capital every month.

If you are trying to conceive through InVitro Fertilization (IVF), you must have heard and read a lot about factors influencing the success of an IVF treatment. Here’s an insight from our team of medical experts to help you sieve facts from myths about popular IVF beliefs:

1. Women Below 35 Have Higher Chances of Benefiting from IVF Treatment:
It is a well established belief that woman’s age is the main determinant of the success of IVF treatment. The omnipresent advertisements and hoardings promising parenthood in late 40’s have generated misperception among women about the irrelevancy of age when seeking IVF or any other assisted reproductive treatment. However, medical experts insist women not to be taken away by deluding marketing strategies by fertility clinics and give a thought to their age before giving the treatment another year.

Fertility treatments have higher success rate till the age of 35 and drops dramatically afterwards. Even in IVF, pregnancies after 42 are uncommon, inform medical specialists.

2. Stress Affects Fertility Performance in IVF cycle:
Studies show that negative emotions like anxiety, depression, anger and other mentally tasking stimulants affect fertility in women undergoing IVF treatment. Stress reduces the number of eggs retrieved and fertilized thereby making the chances of fertilization low. While financial constraints, marital distress and inhibitions in achieving treatment success take toll on a couple, it is advisable to practice stress-free lifestyle for better results.  

3. IVF treatment has become safer over the years:
IVF technology has improved tremendously over the years since its inception in 1970’s, reducing the cases of multiple births, miscarriage, premature delivery and Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome. Our understanding of the reproductive system and factors affecting fertility has also improved thereby making the process more productive and risk-free. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) has eliminated the need for donor sperm and high-order multiple births have nearly been eliminated by implantation of single embryo. It is recorded that nearly 150,000 thousand healthy test tube babies have been born since the inception of IVF technology by Louis Brown in 1978.

4. Poor Oral Hygiene has Negative Impact on IVF Results:
Studies show that poor oral hygiene has detrimental effect on getting and staying pregnant. If your teeth and gums are infected, the toxins from bacteria get to the bloodstream affecting the health of foetus. It may lead to miscarriage, premature birth and other complications. Women with periodontal disease take an average of two months longer to conceive than those with healthy gums.

The risks are higher in women seeking IVF treatment as research has revealed that progesterone and oestrogen rich ovulation-inducing medicines given to women for a span of more than three menstrual cycle cause inflammation and bleeding gums.

5. High Protein Diet Boosts IVF Success:
A recent study at Delaware Institute for Reproductive Medicine shows that women on 25% protein diet are more likely to have successful outcomes in IVF.  Results show that pregnancy rate increased by 80% when high protein diet was clubbed with restricted carbohydrate intake. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Five Perimenopausal Symptoms to Identify the Advent of Menopause

Menopause or cessation of monthly cycle signals the end of fertile phase in a women’s life. While for some the transition is smooth and uneventful, for others it may be quite a life wrecker. Although the average menopausal age is 51, it is not always easy to diagnose the advent of menopause and the changes that follow. Medical experts suggest yearly visit to a gynecologist post 40 as medical help goes a long way in providing a smooth and healthy transition when many other ailments like thyroid or diabetes may also set in.

The transition period may last 2-4 years before menopause finally sets in. Listed below are some of the common symptoms of menopause that must be attended to once you are about to reach your 50’s.

Hot Flashes:
Also known as hot flushes, it is a common symptom of menopause. Change in hormone levels lead to a feeling of intense flush of heat emanating from face and other body parts for a period of two to thirty minutes. Other symptoms include increase in heart beat and sweating.

Irregular Menstrual Cycle:
The menstrual cycle gets irregular before it finally stops. Some of the changes in menstrual cycle are increase or decrease in the amount of blood discharged, frequency of periods and the intervals between cycles. These changes may be seen all through the transition period lasting 2-4 years.

Vaginal dryness:
Hormones like estrogen are responsible for secretion of clear fluids which maintain vaginal moisture. It is responsible for keeping the vaginal lining healthy, thick and elastic. During perimenopause, the estrogen levels drop significantly, reducing the lubrication and elasticity of vagina causing vaginal atrophy. Pain, discomfort and itching are some of the common symptoms of vaginal dryness.

Night Sweats:
Also known as sleep hypothyroidism, it is another common symptom of menopause in which excessive sweating occurs during sleep. Often mistaken for environmental changes or warm room climate, if it drenches your sleep wear and sheets, it is more likely an indication of approaching menopause.

Sudden Mood Changes:
Fluctuating hormone levels can take a toll on your psychology too. The decreasing levels of estrogen bring about mood swings putting you on an emotional roller coaster ride. If you feel sad for no particular reason, stay cranky all through the day and are unable to enjoy activities you normally love doing, you might be on the brink of depression due to the onset of menopausal transition phase.

By Medical Opinion 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Benefits of IVF Treatment in Early Age

Twenty percent of Indian women wait to begin their families until the age of 35. Delaying childbirth has become a common choice in today’s society as women wait for an established career, stable relationship, and financial security before taking up the responsibility of parenthood. The number of women attempting pregnancy in their late 30s and 40s has increased significantly as assisted reproductive technologies have instilled hope and an unrealistic sense of security among women willing to delay motherhood.
Medical experts insist that the growing media hype of the success rate of assisted reproductive technologies is creating a debilitating effect. In reality, the optimistic statistics are a result of successful assisted reproductive technology treatments (ART) on women below the age of 35. A recent study, which is the first in the world to track national success rates for IVF, establishes a relation between aging and the success of IVF treatment. The study reveals that birth rates resulting from a single IVF cycle using women's own eggs are about 30% to 40% for women age 34 and younger. The birth rate decreases steadily post 35.
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is one of the most successful assisted reproductive technology in which an egg is fertilized by a sperm outside the body. The fertilized egg or zygote is then inserted in the patient’s uterus for establishing a successful pregnancy. There has been an exponential growth in the fertility centres across India accounting to five billion dollars industry.

Here’s why medical specialists insist on taking up IVF treatment at an early age:
High Success Rate:
A recent study shows that more than half (50.6%) under 30 have a baby within five rounds of IVF and there are similar rates of success for women aged 30 to 34 (51.7%). But,  post 35 the chances of success drop dramatically after five tries. Also, women above 40 have a very low success rate using their own eggs and have to opt for donor eggs for a successful pregnancy and live birth.

The chances of having a live birth from own eggs is higher if a woman is in her late 20’s. As the age increases, the chances of live birth further reduce and there has been a notable decline in live birth from 40 percent in late 20’s to 30 percent in late 30’s. The chances of having a live birth further diminishes to 10 percent in 40’s.

Better Care of Newborn:
It is easier to take care of the newborn and ensure his/her well being if the parents are young. Parents planning their child through assisted reproductive techniques must think just as they would if they planned through natural methods. The growing fad of waiting for parenthood because of availability of assisted reproductive techniques requires a second thought as many old couples are way too driven by their own health problems to be able to provide enough care and resources for the well being of their test tube newborn.

Avoid legal hassles:
Although there are no established laws in India regarding the optimum age, methods and intricacies of assisted reproductive techniques, yet you can save yourself from other legal hassles if you plan to take up IVF at an early age. IVF treatment after 40 may pose health problems which may require patients to opt for donor eggs and surrogates. A recent bill on surrogacy mentions exact age limit for males (21-45 years) and females (21-35 years) to donate semen and oocytes. In case, you wish to have one of your family members above the legal age as a donor or surrogate, you will have to abide by the law and look elsewhere.

Slash Treatment Costs to Half:
Women over 38 years of age often have very few eggs and respond poorly to conventional ovarian stimulation, an important stage of an IVF cycle. The treatment costs double in such cases as such patients usually require huge doses of expensive drugs that can add another INR 60,000 to INR 70,000 or so to the already high cost of IVF, which amounts to somewhere around 2 lakhs or more, increasing the total cost per cycle.

Increased chances of Natural Second pregnancy:
A recent research shows that 33 percent of women who have their first baby with the help of assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF fall pregnant again without treatment within two years of the first birth. This is common among women who had undiagnosed endometriosis, which tends to improve post first pregnancy. Often pregnancy itself helps to alleviate some of the symptoms and the second pregnancy comes around much easier, explain medical experts.

By Medical Opinion

Friday, September 6, 2013

Five Vegetarian Foods to Fight Anaemia

A recent survey reveals that 74% of Indian children below the age of five and 52% of young Indian women are iron deficient which makes them susceptible to anaemia. Iron is an essential component of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.
While iron levels in body decreases due to pregnancy, blood loss during menstruation, poor bodily absorption of iron, it is also common among vegetarians who cannot make up for heme iron found only in meat, fish and poultry. Phytates and polyphenols present in plant based diet further inhibit absorption of non-heme iron making vegans more susceptible to iron deficient anaemia than their non-vegan counterparts.
A good vegetarian diet rich in iron and foods that support iron absorption in body can help people with anaemia maintain their haemoglobin levels. Listed below are few iron rich foods every vegetarian must include in diet to prevent and cure anaemia:

Spinach is widely known as a storehouse of Iron. This green leafy vegetable has been made popular by the muscular comic figure Popeye who gets his supernatural strength by eating Spinach. Add boiled or cooked spinach in sandwiches, rolls and vegetable to make up for a dietary intake of 15-18 mg per day. Pregnant women should ensure daily iron intake of 27 mg.
Iron in 1 Cup Spinach = 6.4 mg

Known for being a rich protein source, soy should be included in diet at least twice or thrice a week as it can also help you beat iron deficieny anaemia. You can include soy in diet in a variety of ways- roasted soy beans can be taken as snacks, soy milk should be used instead of regular milk once a week, soy nuggets make for a great vegetable curry and snacks.
Iron in 1 Cup Soya = 8.8 mg

Another soy product, tofu is vegan a substitute for meat which can help you fight iron deficiency anaemia. Daily intake of tofu lowers cholesterol levels, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, also known as bad cholesterol.
Iron in 1 Cup Tofu: 6.4 mg

Daily intake of lentils is common in Indian household. Rich in iron, one bowl of lentils daily can make up for 6.6 mg of iron intake. Besides being a rich iron source, lentils are a good source for magnesium and vitamin B6 which are an essential for maintaining electrolyte balance in blood.
Iron in 1 Cup Lentils: 6.6 mg

Pumpkin seeds:
Intake of 100 grams of pumpkin seeds make up for 83 percent of daily recommended value. Apart from being a good source of iron, Pumpkin seeds are also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and helps lower cholesterol.
Iron in 100 grams Pumpkin seeds: 15 mg

Vegan foods contain heme iron which isn’t readily absorbed by the body. As compared to non-heme iron which can be absorbed upto 30 percent, heme  iron can only be  absorbed upto 2 to 10 percent. It is therefore important to club iron rich foods with foods rich in vitamin C to enhance iron absorption.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Five Reasons to see a Gynaecologist Regularly

Regular routine check-ups are vital for healthy life, suggest experts. You need not wait for a symptom to plan a visit to your gynaecologist; it should be a routine affair. It is noted that “many Indian women are not aware of the gynaecological matters and go for consultation only when they have problems”. With the changing lifestyle, late motherhood and adulterated diet, the chances of developing cervical and breast cancer are increasing at an alarming rate. Regular screening can go a long way in preventing cancers and other infertility problems. In fact, medical experts assert that not taking tests at a gynaecologist’s clinic once in five years can be extremely risky.

Here’s why regular gynaecological consultations are important:

Early Diagnosis of Cervical and Uterine Cancers:
Cancer is designated a silent disease as its symptoms show up in later stages, long after it turns fatal. A regular check-up ensures early diagnosis and treatment. Gynaecologists suggest taking a Pap smear test at least once in three years which can help detect abnormal growth of cells and polyps. Since early pointers of cervical cancer are hard to detect, a regular smear test is the best way to discover pre-cancerous growths before it’s too late.

Combating Menstrual Problems:
Many women brush aside menstrual problems like cramps, increase or decrease of menstrual frequency or spotting in between periods, but these symptoms could be a sign of serious problems like inflammation of the uterine walls, anaemia, vaginal infection, or cervical cancer. A regular visit to the gynaecologist can help detect an ailment in early stages.

Dealing with Menopause and its Effects:
Menopause is associated with many physical and psychological disturbances like decrease in bone mass, osteoporosis, nutritional deficiency, hot flushes and depression. An expert advice is necessary to sail through the transition period comfortably with the help of Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which helps combat menopause effects like osteoporosis, a disorder in which bones become porous and brittle. Menopause occurs due to the decrease of female hormone called oestrogen. In HRT, oestrogen is given in form of oral   pills, skin patches or vaginal creams to prevent uterine cancer.

Understanding Body and developing Confidence to cope with the changes:
Routine consultation and check up, despite absence of symptoms, helps women to know their body and learn to cope up with the changes that occur in different stages of life. Many gynaecological problems go unnoticed because of lack of clear understanding and there must be diagnosed by an expert. Some of the common conditions that evade until serious are fibromynomas or benign tumours and ovarian cysts. If you notice increase in facial hair growth, it has to do with a benign ovarian cyst that may also cause fertility issues.

Preventing Infertility:

Regular gynaecological checkups can prevent a woman from becoming infertile, suggest gynaecologists. It can even reverse infertility if treatment is given on the onset. Although medically assisted reproduction techniques are fast gaining popularity but their success rate at best centres in India is limited to 30 to 35 percent. In such a scenario it is better to seek preventive measures by maintain a regular gynaecological check-up schedule.

Beauty’s Skin Deep: Popular Skin Tightening Surgical Procedures

According to statistics released by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, India ranks among the top five nations for cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures. With the growing economy, awareness and social demands, aesthetic procedures are gaining popularity among youngsters and adults alike.

Among the common aesthetic treatments, skin tightening is the most popular age defying surgical procedure. Skin is the first testimony of waning years. Wrinkles, blemishes, hyperpigmentation, puffs and sags are the common dermatological issues that begin to affect people even before they come of age. Rapid weight loss treatments, poor diet, stress, alcoholism, frequent and long exposure to the sun, and post-pregnancy weight loss ill-management, are some of the other factors that lead to skin loosening and pre mature are sagging. 

There are many effective and painless skin rejuvenation procedures available in the market today. However, none of them is “one size fits all” surgery that you can take up without prior research and expert advice. Here’s a brief about the skin rejuvenation surgical options available to help you decode the confusing terminologies of skin tightening laser procedures: 

Arasys Inch Loss System
It is a skin toning procedure used only on a larger body parts. Skin gets toned due to muscle build up as electric impulses are used to contract and stimulate nerves. It is akin to muscle exercise and therefore makes the patient lose 2 to 6 inches per treatment, building mass and tightening skin along the way. 

A painless skin tightening option, Refirme is an FDA approved procedure which uses bi-polar radio frequencies and targeted heat energy to tighten skin. It removes wrinkles using new path breaking technology called Elos. This aesthetic medical procedure has a lesser downtime as compared to other treatments. 

Ablative Fractionated Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser
Ablative and non-ablative lasers are the two main types of lasers that are used for skin tightening treatment. While in ablative lasers the top skin is damaged or vaporized to reveal the flawless skin underneath, in non-ablative lasers the cosmetic issues are treated without damaging the outer skin. 

The Ablative Fractioned CO2 Laser is considered the most effective skin rejuvenating surgical treatment as it allows rapid healing and has lesser side-effects as compared to other procedures. 

If you are looking for skin tightening around the eyes, also called eye lift, fractioned CO2 laser is the best choice, recommend experts. Fraxel repair is a viable option if skin resurfacing, wrinkle reduction, acne scars and hyper pigmentation are your concern. However, fractioned CO2 laser surgery requires more than one sitting for desirable results. 

Monopolar Radiofrequency (Thermage)
Thermage is another common skin tightening procedure that has gained popularity in the recent years. It is a non-invasive skin lifting technique which uses intense radio frequencies to facilitate the growth of collagen. Although patients report that the results of this skin procedure is not as dramatic as facelift, but it is noticeable. The procedure requires one hour long sitting but requires repetition every 1-3 years to maintain surgical results. 

Focused Ultrasound (Ulthera)
This non-invasive skin tightening technology is based on the use of ultrasound used to visualize through the skin to target and treat deep support structures. It is a deep skin treatment in which the underlying affected area is detected, targeted and heated to stimulate the growth of collagen, a type of protein which holds the skin and keeps it tight, giving it elasticity and firmness. The procedure takes 3-4 months for the results to surface as collagen in the cells grow back and gradually lifts the skin, making it appear younger and healthier.