Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Five Reasons to see a Gynaecologist Regularly

Regular routine check-ups are vital for healthy life, suggest experts. You need not wait for a symptom to plan a visit to your gynaecologist; it should be a routine affair. It is noted that “many Indian women are not aware of the gynaecological matters and go for consultation only when they have problems”. With the changing lifestyle, late motherhood and adulterated diet, the chances of developing cervical and breast cancer are increasing at an alarming rate. Regular screening can go a long way in preventing cancers and other infertility problems. In fact, medical experts assert that not taking tests at a gynaecologist’s clinic once in five years can be extremely risky.

Here’s why regular gynaecological consultations are important:

Early Diagnosis of Cervical and Uterine Cancers:
Cancer is designated a silent disease as its symptoms show up in later stages, long after it turns fatal. A regular check-up ensures early diagnosis and treatment. Gynaecologists suggest taking a Pap smear test at least once in three years which can help detect abnormal growth of cells and polyps. Since early pointers of cervical cancer are hard to detect, a regular smear test is the best way to discover pre-cancerous growths before it’s too late.

Combating Menstrual Problems:
Many women brush aside menstrual problems like cramps, increase or decrease of menstrual frequency or spotting in between periods, but these symptoms could be a sign of serious problems like inflammation of the uterine walls, anaemia, vaginal infection, or cervical cancer. A regular visit to the gynaecologist can help detect an ailment in early stages.

Dealing with Menopause and its Effects:
Menopause is associated with many physical and psychological disturbances like decrease in bone mass, osteoporosis, nutritional deficiency, hot flushes and depression. An expert advice is necessary to sail through the transition period comfortably with the help of Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which helps combat menopause effects like osteoporosis, a disorder in which bones become porous and brittle. Menopause occurs due to the decrease of female hormone called oestrogen. In HRT, oestrogen is given in form of oral   pills, skin patches or vaginal creams to prevent uterine cancer.

Understanding Body and developing Confidence to cope with the changes:
Routine consultation and check up, despite absence of symptoms, helps women to know their body and learn to cope up with the changes that occur in different stages of life. Many gynaecological problems go unnoticed because of lack of clear understanding and there must be diagnosed by an expert. Some of the common conditions that evade until serious are fibromynomas or benign tumours and ovarian cysts. If you notice increase in facial hair growth, it has to do with a benign ovarian cyst that may also cause fertility issues.

Preventing Infertility:

Regular gynaecological checkups can prevent a woman from becoming infertile, suggest gynaecologists. It can even reverse infertility if treatment is given on the onset. Although medically assisted reproduction techniques are fast gaining popularity but their success rate at best centres in India is limited to 30 to 35 percent. In such a scenario it is better to seek preventive measures by maintain a regular gynaecological check-up schedule.

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