Thursday, August 22, 2013

Causes of Hair Loss in Women and How to Prevent It

Hair fall is natural. Its normal is your hairs sheds in morning shower, or while you comb and blow dry. Hairs have a cycle of growth and when a mature hair falls, there is a new one that replaces it. Research claims that on an average, we lose fifty to a hundred hairs a day. But, unexplained and excessive hair loss that clogs your drain, widens your part or thins your pony tail needs immediate attention and dermatological consultation as it could be an indication of a serious ailment.

Here are five causes of hair fall and their treatment options suggested by medical experts:

Hereditary Hair Loss
Female pattern hair loss is mostly genetic and can be inherited from either of the parents. Scientifically termed as Androgenic Alopecia, it sets in early in life, and worsens with age. There is thinning of hair in the crown region, unlike men who get a receding hairline, and the symptoms are widening of part or thinning of a pony tail.
Although there is no way to prevent genetic hair loss in women, it can be controlled with a prescribed dose of minoxidil which is applied to the scalp twice a day. Minoxidil is reported to have minimal side effects as compared to other hair loss treatments and is more effective for female pattern hair loss as compared to male pattern hair loss. However, pregnant and lactating women should avoid the use of minoxidil or propecia.

Tellogen Effluvium
The change in hair growth cycle wherein the hair moves faster from one phase to another - the growing phase into the “resting” phase and finally to the shedding phase or the “tellogen” phase-  is called Tellogen Effluvium.
This type of hair loss generally occurs after a stressful event or a chronic disease which leads to nutritional deficiency in body. If you notice a significant hair loss between six weeks to three months after pregnancy, drastic weight loss, stress, surgery or a chronic malady, you are likely to be affected with Tellogen Effluvium.
Make dietary changes and incorporate more whole grain cereals, green leafy vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Consult a medical expert for stress related medication. Avoid taking over the counter drugs for hair loss if you have undergone a surgery.

Excessive Styling
Regular use of permanent dyes, blow dry, hair straightening solutions, or harsh chemicals in form of shampoos, conditioners, hair gels disturb the normal acid-alkaline balance leading to hair fall and dandruff. Use home-made hair cleansing paste made of neem, amla, brahmi and other herbs instead of commercial range of hair cleansers and conditioners.
Avoid hot water baths hair as it opens the pores and weakens the hair follicles. Use thick hair brush to comb your hair and make sure you oil your hair as frequently as possible. A hot oil massage with a bowl of mixed hair oils will restore nourishment to your hair lost with the harsh styling treatments.

Hormonal Imbalance
Another extremely prevalent cause of hair fall among women is hormonal imbalance.  Hormones get disturbed when body undergoes vital changes during menopause, pregnancy, ageing or medical treatment. Women often suffer from thyroxin imbalance leading to hypo or hyperthyroidism after pregnancy or during menopause. These hormonal disturbances affect the body’s metabolic rate and causes hair fall. Excess male hormones such a androgens are also responsible for hair loss in women.

To combat hair loss due to hormonal disturbance, it is advisable to seek treatment for hormone imbalance rather than using the popularly recommended hair loss medication, such as minoxidil or Propecia.

Consult a gynaecologist or seek medical opinion online to determine the cause of hair loss and the course of treatment that will be suitable for you. 

By Medical Opinion

The Long Term Effects of LASIK Eye Surgery

The Television Adverts, your next door neighbour, or a school friend who has recently binned her glasses makes LASIK or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis eye surgery for vision correction seem so straightforward- a five minutes procedure which makes you get rid of your nagging glasses, forever.
Since, LASIK surgery is relatively new, little has been researched and written about its long term effects; yet, many people who wear glasses or contact lenses are tempted by it. “The thought of being able to see perfectly with a naked eye seems fantastic”, exclaims a LASIK patient.
But, is it worth? Many patients who have undergone the procedure share their views on the long term effects of laser eye surgery. Most of them feel cheated by their surgeons as they weren’t warned about the side effects in the initial consultation. Make sure you take a second medical opinion before you opt for a LASIK surgery, which alters the shape of the cornea to correct long and short-sightedness.

Some of the adverse effects reported by the patients are listed below:

Dryness in eyes is common among LASIK patients and can last up to a year after surgery. Some patients also develop dry eye syndrome which causes blurred vision and reduces vision quality.
Dryness is caused by damage to nerves which stimulate tears and keep eyes lubricated. Daily dose of lubricating eye drops is a must after surgery, but over use of tear drops has its own set of complications. It may lead to chronic eye inflammation and infections.
 Limiting the use of bright screens, keeping the air around you moist by keeping a mud urn filled with water, reminding yourself to blink more often and adequate rest can reduce dryness and keep you from developing a chronic eye problem.

Blurry Vision:
The procedure of LASIK surgery is complicated and if not carried out properly may lead to blurry vision. The flap in the cornea is cut and lifted with laser to reshape the corneal tissue underneath. The corneal flap is placed back to its original position.  However, if the flap doesn’t adhere to the eye properly or is wrinkled, it causes speckles in the vision.
These speckles or floaters appear as black lines or dots that float in the eye and can obstruct vision. Although, floaters are harmless and the obstruction caused by them is very minimal yet, they can be very annoying.

Poor Night Vision:
Some patients have difficulty seeing at night after LASIK surgery. The symptoms include double vision, halo vision, glare and low contrast. The symptoms are exacerbated when driving in poor weather or at night. The quality of night vision decreases with age.

The result of the surgery depends on factors like the age of the patient during the time of the surgery, family history of diabetes or other eye problems and lifestyle of the patient. It has been reported in a 2005 study that five to fifteen percent of LASIK patients require additional surgery to improve their vision after a period of five years.

Although a LASIK eye surgery can bring a great change in your lifestyle as the vision is corrected to almost 90 percent after the surgery. But, it is important to choose the right Eye surgeon for the treatment. Consult a medical specialist or request a second medical opinion from a medical expert to determine whether you the right candidate for LASIK.

By Medical Opinion

Monday, August 19, 2013

Brow Lift Surgery: Post-Operative Lifestyle Management Guide

Follow-up care is a critical phase of a successful surgery, and more so when you have undergone a cosmetic treatment. Brow-lift surgery is fast becoming popular with women who are looking for permanent anti-ageing solutions. However, to maintain the results of the surgery, it is mandatory to follow post-operative instructions recommended by your cosmetic surgeon. The best way to ensure a good post-operative care is to make suggested changes in your lifestyle to avoid potential risk of infections and post-operation complications.
Follow these six crucial daily care instructions recommended by plastic surgeons: 

Use Sun Protection:
The sun block you used before surgery will not suffice to maintain the results. Pump up your SPF to 30 to beat the UV rays, the culprits that augment ageing process. Although sun light should be completely avoided for the first few days of surgery, you can use sun block once the swelling and bruises have healed.

Avoid Sports:
Not just extreme sports, which must be avoided no matter what, you must refrain from any kind of strenuous activity for at least a year after your surgery. If you had running, swimming or any other rigorous sports in your work-out schedule before surgery, change it to more relaxing exercises like yoga or Pranayam.
Passive exercises like walking, Pranayam (breathing exercises) are very helpful in healthy recovery from brow lift surgery. Effective breathing techniques can help avoid Pneumonia, which is a common occurrence after brow lift surgery.

Say NO to Cosmetics:
The excitement of wearing an eye shadow over well-toned and beautiful eyebrows is certainly difficult to allay. But, it is worth a wait. For faster recovery, shun cosmetics, especially used ones, as they are a source of deadly infections.
In the first few days, any cosmetic contact with the treated area creates a permanent tattoo, ugly marks, or worse, infections that leave operation marks.

Follow Hair Care Instructions:
Avoid hair color, blow drier and hot irons for a month after surgery. Wash your hair pulling your neck backwards so as to avoid pressure development on the brows. Remember to use a mild shampoo as chemicals augment ageing.

Follow a Correct Sleeping Posture:
Change your sleeping posture to avoid any pressure to develop on your eyes and forehead. Sleep on your back as it will not only keep any obstruction away from your treatment area, but back, you must start practicing it from the day you consider brow lifting as a suitable face rejuvenation option.

Apart from making these lifestyle changes, it is mandatory to follow your surgeon’s instructions with care. In case of uncertainty regarding the instructions given by your doctor, you can ask for a second medical opinion from a medical specialist online. 

By Medical Opinion

Friday, August 16, 2013

It’s Not Just a Headache: Types of Headache and How to Treat Them

We often hear people complaining about headache, and shrugging it off with a remark, “It’s just a mild one”, or “I’ll be fine with a dose of Combiflam”.  A recent research claims that 46 percent of the people in the world suffer from headache regularly, 42 percent of people have stress related headaches while 11 percent of them have migraine. 

While mild pain in the head is often ignored, a headache that carries out for long is often linked to latent health problems. A recent research shows that headache has no links to chronic diseases like tumour, brain haemorrhage or neck pain.
Every ailment or bodily disorder has a cause which must be unleashed, so does headache. While most of the other illnesses are taken seriously, headache is often ignored and battled with just another pain reliever. Headache isn’t a trivial ailment and must be taken seriously. Know about Headache, what causes it and what measures you must take to avoid it.

What kind of Headache is it and how to combat it?
There are many types of headaches- stress-induced, migraine, cluster headache, oral induced headaches, tension headaches and sinus headache. It is important to figure out which kind of headache you have or a wrong medication would make it worse.


A tension induced headache is mild, yet persistent. It feels like a band of pressure around the head. Headache experts claim that this is the most common type of headache and is often caused by fatigue, hunger, caustic fumes, smoke or even perfume.
Over the counter drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin are sufficient to beat them. Doctors may recommend anti-depressants if you suffer from tension headaches frequently and for long.


Migraines are the most dreaded and notorious type of headaches. Caused by inflammation of blood vessels and arteries around the brain, it is an intense pain felt in the temples. The throbbing pain is accompanied with nausea, high blood pressure and sensitivity to light.
If you have episodic headaches that increase in intensity, you must consult a medical specialist for a diagnosis. If you are suffering from migraine, it is not advisable to take over the counter drugs without prescription and medical supervision as it may lead to serious consequences and side effects.


The causes of sinus headaches are allergies and the nagging sinus infection. The pain occurs on the bridge of the nose and spreads through the cheeks and the center of the head. The pain aggravates with head movement as pressure develops in the nerves due to mucus deposits.
To combat sinus headaches, you must get to its roots. Treat sinus infection and allergies with a course of antibiotics.


Known as the most painful type, cluster headaches are recurring headaches that occur in cycles. These headaches come in waves and often last for weeks or even months.
Although the cause and treatment for these rare headaches is still unknown, sufferer can be pacified with local agnostics and oxygen therapy. 

By Medical Opinion

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Eight Stress Busters for Indian Women

Indian Women are reported to be most stressed out on Earth. A Neilsen Report, named Women of Tomorrow, revealed startling figures about stress statistics in India. Among the top ten stressed countries in the world, India is rated first with an astounding 87 percent of women suffering from anxiety and an additional 82% asserting they had insufficient time to relax.
What’s taking toll on today’s women? Maintaining a work-home balance, family responsibilities, child care, and the vast potential of untapped opportunities, there is a lot that keeps the fairer sex in India worried. 

Here’s how the smarter ones out there are handling the menace, join in!

Stress Buster 1: Work Out
Take time out from your busy schedule and work out till you sweat. Researchers claim that exercise reduces stress and instills a feeling of well-being. During a physical activity, our body secretes chemicals called endorphins, which triggers a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.

Stress Buster 2: Commit what you Can, let go what you Can’t:
Over burdening yourself with work and promises that time and resources doesn't permit makes you feel stressed out.  You are more likely to mess up when you have a lot of things at hand. Identify your limitations and potential and learn to say “No” to things you can’t do.
Stress Buster 3: Shrug it Off
Women are reported to be more stressed than men. Reason, Women simply can’t shrug it off when they should. Leave your grudges behind, lighten your heart, and shrug your shoulders when you should- raise your shoulders, and then drop them. The Mental Health Foundation suggests this relaxes your whole body.

Stress Buster 4: Sleep Well
Whether it's a wailing newborn, unruly neighbors or anxiety at work, get your eight hour sleep as your brain needs to recharge for a productive day ahead. Inadequate sleep increases your chances of chronic depression, mental instability and heart problems.
Stress Buster 5: Go Low-Tech on Weekends
Gadgets have made life easy, but do they make you happy? Stay away from gadgets on weekends and spend time with family and friends. Talking your heart out will make you feel energetic and confident about yourself.

Stress Buster 6: Relax
Meditate, read your favorite author, listen to music or take a nap. Take time out for yourself and do what you enjoy. Learn something new every six months, write a journal or cook your favorite dish, it will help you relax your senses and take your mind off the things that bother you.

Stress Buster 7: Stay Ahead
Skillful planning can help you stay ahead of schedule and conquer stress. If you expect something time-consuming and hectic coming up in the near future, start planning a week ahead. If you feel your office situation is worsening over time, start exploring other avenues before its too late.

Stress Buster 8: Eat Well
Inadequate, irregular and poor diet is one of the main causes of stress. Eat a balanced diet, rich in carbohydrates and fibre and cut on processed food and eat fruits, vegetables to maintain the nutrition level required by the body to stay fit.  A hearty amount of Carbohydrates in diet can help you reduce stress as carbohydrates makes brain release serotonin, a chemical which is known to have stress relieving properties. 

By Medical Opinion

Monday, August 12, 2013

Fine-tune your Brain for a Better Sleep

Our body’s natural daily rhythms, also called circadian rhythms, like sleep, appetite, are monitored by chemicals induced by the brain as a result of external factors. These Circadian rhythms are set on a 24 hour cycle to which our brain gradually tunes itself to set up a clock that governs our daily routine.  

Our sleeping and walking cycle also works in tandem with the circadian clock, a biological mechanism oscillating in the period of 24 hours, establishing a day-night cycle which can be attuned as per our body requirements.

Some adverse external factors like stress, unhealthy lifestyle, bad eating habits and diseases disturb the circadian clock, leading to chronic sleep disorders. If you haven’t been able to sleep well lately, take cues from the external factors listed below to reset your brain for a better sleep:

Bright Light Sources:
Our sleep-wake rhythm is governed by light and the way our brain reacts to it. A low light condition sends signals to your brain to relax and thus induces drowsiness and sleep. On the other hand, bright light makes brain reduce the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep and monitors sleep cycle.

If your bedtime routine includes brushing your teeth or you frequently use bathroom in the middle of the night, then a bright bulb in your washroom could be your possible sleep wrecker. For a sound sleep, use dimmer lights to keep your brain in the same state through the night.

Irregular Food Intake Cycle:
Appetite is another biological process that works as per the circadian clock. Your food intake timings determine the quality of sleep you get at night. You can trick your mind and adjust your sleep cycle by monitoring the quality and quantity of your food intake throughout the day.

Time your meals and restrict use of caffeine in the evening and at bedtime. To have a good night sleep, take low protein diet for dinner and have it at least 12 hours before your waking time.

Poor Sleep Hygiene:
You may want to take a nap in the afternoon or early in the evening after a long day at work, but don’t. It disturbs your sleep cycle and makes it difficult for you to go to bed the subsequent night.

Limiting your time in bed by calculating the right amount of sleep your body requires and planning it according to your daily routine will reset your biological clock and you will no more have to push yourself to follow a routine; your body will automatically direct you to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Practice a good sleep hygiene by avoiding daytime naps, stress related thoughts, unsettling conversations at bedtime. 

By Medical Opinion

Debunking the Protein Myth: Five Facts about High Protein Diet

Debunking the protein myth- more is good- is often considered sacrilegious by the diet gurus who promote the health benefits of high Protein diet - it helps build mass, controls obesity, strengthens muscles, and keeps you feeling full on long working day.
Every time you plan your diet, you are driven towards adding those extra doses of protein supplements you think your body requires for staying fit. Here are five reasons to monitor your protein intake:-
High Protein Diet Controls Weight, But Drains Nutrition from the Body
Obesity is a common problem that has received undue attention in the recent years.  So much so, that there has been a spurt of weight loss centres’ and diet books advocating a high protein diet such as Atkins diet as a healthy means to shed extra pounds.
The Atkins diet is a high protein diet with limited or no carbohydrate intake. Fruits, vegetables and cereals are an important source of dietary fibre and cutting down on them leads to vitamin deficiency, which sequentially causes digestive problems and in the long run, colon cancer.

High Protein Diet Leads to Osteoporosis
Many recent studies support the claim that sustaining on a high protein diet without an adequate carbohydrate intake leads to decrease in bone density, consecutively leading to osteoporosis. 
High protein intake increases the ph level of blood, disturbing the alkaline balance of the bloodstream. The body thereby liberates more carbonate compounds from bones to balance the ph level and this in turn leads to loss of calcium from bones. Although Protein intake in many high protein diets is derived mainly from dairy products, yet your body may require more calcium to process the high amount of protein present in your diet.
High Protein Diet Leads to Cancer
Restricting intake of carbohydrates along with a high protein diet leads to colon cancer. Foods that have high amount of carbohydrate are rich in minerals, fibre, vitamins and antioxidants, and limiting them in your diet causes digestive problems which when prolonged causes colon cancer.

High Protein Diet Puts Strain on Internal Organs
Calorie intake is very important for adequate functioning of all body organs. Restricting calorie intake with high protein diet causes metabolic disorders as the body needs to break down high levels of protein and fat, instead of glucose generated from carbohydrates, to generate energy.
Burning down of body fat leads to accumulation of ketones and leads to a disease called ketosis. Ketones eat eating away protein present in the tissues of body organs, leading to organ failure.

High Protein Diet Raises Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases
A high protein diet promotes the extra intake of red meat, eggs, and full fat dairy products which are rich in saturated fats, leading to rise in cholesterol levels in blood. High cholesterol levels are reported to cause fatal diseases like cancer and over consumption of saturated fats present in meat and dairy products is a well-known menace that leads to chronic cardiovascular problems.

By Medical Opinion

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Eat for Your Heart’s Sake: Diet for Cardiovascular Health

India is known to the world as a “heart disease capital”, and rightly so. The recent “Million Death Study”, one of the largest studies of premature death rate in India, carried out in collaboration with the Registrar General of India (RGI) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) reveals startling statistics of cardiovascular death rate in India.
Replacing communicable diseases, heart ailments have emerged as number one killer taking its toll on 24.8 percent of Indians every year. The toll is expected to rise to 40 percent by 2020.
Unhealthy eating habits, apart from a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and hereditary influences, are one of the main causes of heart diseases. The best way to get started with a healthy routine is to make slow and consistent changes in your diet, incorporating and implementing other activities in your schedule with time.

Include these tasty foods in your daily diet for a healthy heart:

Fresh Herbs
Fresh herbs like rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme, parsley and terragon contain antioxidants and phytochemicals which are healthy for heart when replaced with salt and fat in your daily diet. These flavour powerhouses are not only great to taste but also have unique medicinal properties which are good for overall health and well-being. 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Replace saturated fat with extra virgin olive oil in cooking, salad seasoning and baking. The “extra virgin” oil is made by pressing the olives only “once”, thereby retaining the nutritional value of the fruit. It is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols which are beneficial for heart patients as they protect blood vessels. Maintain your cholesterol levels by switching from ordinary vegetable oil to monounsaturated extra virgin oil. 

Rich in soya protein, tofu is a heart-healthy replacement for red meat and cheese. The polyunsaturated soya fat avoids clogging of arteries, which is a result of saturated fat present in cottage cheese and meat. Tofu has only 0.7 gm saturated fat per 100 gram as compared to cottage cheese which has 1.7 gram saturated fat per 100 gram serving. Replace cottage cheese with tofu when you prepare cutlets for mid-day snacks or vegetable curry for dinner. 

Sweet Potatoes
Have a hearty serving of sweet potatoes (use lime juice and cinnamon topping instead of sugar) as it has a great nutritional value and is good for your heart. Rich in lycopene, vitamin A and fibre content, it is best when replaced with white potatoes. 

Have oats for breakfast and say goodbye to LDL, the bad cholesterol. Many researchers have proved the role of oatmeal in lowering blood cholesterol levels. It is such a widely accepted fact and it has been declared as a “health claim” by the FDA. The presence of soluble fibre in oatmeal lowers cholesterol levels and keeps your heat in a good shape.
Eating the right foods go a long way in helping you fight diseases and stay fit. Manage your lifestyle by making these small, yet significant changes in your diet and gift yourself and your loved ones a long and healthy life. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

 Ten Tips to Lead Healthy Life Style

1- Brush & Floss Poor dental hygiene cannot Only destroy the first impression you make, but contrary to what was previously Believed, oral hygiene and general health are strongly connected. Ideally, you Should brush after every meal, because the bacterial attack on teeth begins Minutes after eating. At the very least, brush once a day and always before you Go to bed. Brushing your teeth isn't complicated, but there is a right and A wrong way. Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at Home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can Help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. As per the studies flossing at least Twice, a day is essential to prevent decay. Flossing your teeth as a beginner May cause bleeding but this subsides as you regularly do the same, just Remember to use a proper dental floss.

2- Regular Eyes Test : A thorough eye test is a health check that can detect Conditions that leave you predisposed to slight loss, Glaucoma is the third Leading cause of blindness in India. Around 12 million people are affected by Glaucoma in India and study suggests that it can affect any age group. Studies Show that people with early-stage glaucoma aren’t going for regular eye tests.

3- Good Becteria : India will become the world’s capital of heart diseases by 2015. According to a study, about 25 per cent of deaths in the age group of 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases. In urban areas, 32.8 % deaths occur Because of heart ailments, while 22.9 % people die of heart diseases in rural India. Coronary heart disease is the biggest killer in the West also. Peter Welssberg of the British Heart Foundation says everyone over 40 years of age Should know their cholesterol level and then aim to reduce it.

4- Cholesterol Test : India will become the world’s capital of heart diseases By 2015. According to a study, about 25 per cent of deaths in the age group 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases. In urban areas, 32.8 % deaths Occur because of heart ailments, while 22.9 % people die of heart diseases in Rural India. Coronary heart disease is the biggest killer in the West also. Peter Welssberg of the British Heart Foundation says everyone over 40 years of Age should know their cholesterol level and then aim to reduce it.

5- Stop Slouching : India will become the world’s capital of heart diseases by 2015. According to a study, about 25 per cent of deaths in the age group of 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases. In urban areas, 32.8 % deaths occur Because of heart ailments, while 22.9 % people die of heart diseases in rural India. Coronary heart disease is the biggest killer in the West also. Peter Welssberg of the British Heart Foundation says everyone over 40 years of age Should know their cholesterol level and then aim to reduce it.

6- Unsalted Butter : India will become the world’s Capital of heart diseases by 2015. According to a study, about 25 per cent of Deaths in the age group of 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases. In Urban areas, 32.8 % deaths occur because of heart ailments, while 22.9 % people Die of heart diseases in rural India. Coronary heart disease is the biggest killer in the West also. Peter Welssberg of the British Heart Foundation says Everyone over 40 years of age should know their cholesterol level and then aim To reduce it.

7- Routine Fish/Flax : Omega 3 fatty adds in oily fish play an important part in the Development of the central nervous system, and in countering a ranged of Ailments., including heart disease and Alzheimer’s. The Food Standards Agency Says we should each eat two portions of fish a week, one of them oily. In case You are a vegetarian, the option for you is Flax seeds to start your day.

8- Pelvic Exercise : A recent study found that people who had the big tummies Were 40% more likely to suffer a heart attack and that the waistline was a Better indication of health than your Body Mass Index. Women should have a A waistline of less than 31.5 inches and the advised waistline for men is 37. One in three women in India suffers from urinary incontinence but the embarrassing The nature of the problem means many never see a doctor. Doing regular pelvic floor The exercises improve bladder control. If you suffer from incontinences, ask your Practitioner to refer you to a specialist.

9- Safe Water : 65% of our body is constituted of water. Thus, it is important for Us to drink the right amount of water to maintain the equilibrium in our Systems. Water acts as the carrier in our bodies, transporting the nutrients That we derive from food. Water provides many essential minerals that our Bodies may require. Water must be free from impurities that cause Contamination, which makes water unfit for human consumption. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, impure water contains decayed Vegetable matter, animal residue, human excreta and inorganic minerals, which All pollute the water.

10- Life a Destination : It is a good practice to Plan, but planning to an extreme that you forget to enjoy today is a big NO – NO. After all since we plan for tomorrow, while living today – remember today was planned yesterday and it is now time to reap what we have sown. We are so busy watching out for what is just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy Where we are.

By---Medical Opinion