Friday, August 16, 2013

It’s Not Just a Headache: Types of Headache and How to Treat Them

We often hear people complaining about headache, and shrugging it off with a remark, “It’s just a mild one”, or “I’ll be fine with a dose of Combiflam”.  A recent research claims that 46 percent of the people in the world suffer from headache regularly, 42 percent of people have stress related headaches while 11 percent of them have migraine. 

While mild pain in the head is often ignored, a headache that carries out for long is often linked to latent health problems. A recent research shows that headache has no links to chronic diseases like tumour, brain haemorrhage or neck pain.
Every ailment or bodily disorder has a cause which must be unleashed, so does headache. While most of the other illnesses are taken seriously, headache is often ignored and battled with just another pain reliever. Headache isn’t a trivial ailment and must be taken seriously. Know about Headache, what causes it and what measures you must take to avoid it.

What kind of Headache is it and how to combat it?
There are many types of headaches- stress-induced, migraine, cluster headache, oral induced headaches, tension headaches and sinus headache. It is important to figure out which kind of headache you have or a wrong medication would make it worse.


A tension induced headache is mild, yet persistent. It feels like a band of pressure around the head. Headache experts claim that this is the most common type of headache and is often caused by fatigue, hunger, caustic fumes, smoke or even perfume.
Over the counter drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin are sufficient to beat them. Doctors may recommend anti-depressants if you suffer from tension headaches frequently and for long.


Migraines are the most dreaded and notorious type of headaches. Caused by inflammation of blood vessels and arteries around the brain, it is an intense pain felt in the temples. The throbbing pain is accompanied with nausea, high blood pressure and sensitivity to light.
If you have episodic headaches that increase in intensity, you must consult a medical specialist for a diagnosis. If you are suffering from migraine, it is not advisable to take over the counter drugs without prescription and medical supervision as it may lead to serious consequences and side effects.


The causes of sinus headaches are allergies and the nagging sinus infection. The pain occurs on the bridge of the nose and spreads through the cheeks and the center of the head. The pain aggravates with head movement as pressure develops in the nerves due to mucus deposits.
To combat sinus headaches, you must get to its roots. Treat sinus infection and allergies with a course of antibiotics.


Known as the most painful type, cluster headaches are recurring headaches that occur in cycles. These headaches come in waves and often last for weeks or even months.
Although the cause and treatment for these rare headaches is still unknown, sufferer can be pacified with local agnostics and oxygen therapy. 

By Medical Opinion

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