Friday, September 6, 2013

Five Vegetarian Foods to Fight Anaemia

A recent survey reveals that 74% of Indian children below the age of five and 52% of young Indian women are iron deficient which makes them susceptible to anaemia. Iron is an essential component of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.
While iron levels in body decreases due to pregnancy, blood loss during menstruation, poor bodily absorption of iron, it is also common among vegetarians who cannot make up for heme iron found only in meat, fish and poultry. Phytates and polyphenols present in plant based diet further inhibit absorption of non-heme iron making vegans more susceptible to iron deficient anaemia than their non-vegan counterparts.
A good vegetarian diet rich in iron and foods that support iron absorption in body can help people with anaemia maintain their haemoglobin levels. Listed below are few iron rich foods every vegetarian must include in diet to prevent and cure anaemia:

Spinach is widely known as a storehouse of Iron. This green leafy vegetable has been made popular by the muscular comic figure Popeye who gets his supernatural strength by eating Spinach. Add boiled or cooked spinach in sandwiches, rolls and vegetable to make up for a dietary intake of 15-18 mg per day. Pregnant women should ensure daily iron intake of 27 mg.
Iron in 1 Cup Spinach = 6.4 mg

Known for being a rich protein source, soy should be included in diet at least twice or thrice a week as it can also help you beat iron deficieny anaemia. You can include soy in diet in a variety of ways- roasted soy beans can be taken as snacks, soy milk should be used instead of regular milk once a week, soy nuggets make for a great vegetable curry and snacks.
Iron in 1 Cup Soya = 8.8 mg

Another soy product, tofu is vegan a substitute for meat which can help you fight iron deficiency anaemia. Daily intake of tofu lowers cholesterol levels, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, also known as bad cholesterol.
Iron in 1 Cup Tofu: 6.4 mg

Daily intake of lentils is common in Indian household. Rich in iron, one bowl of lentils daily can make up for 6.6 mg of iron intake. Besides being a rich iron source, lentils are a good source for magnesium and vitamin B6 which are an essential for maintaining electrolyte balance in blood.
Iron in 1 Cup Lentils: 6.6 mg

Pumpkin seeds:
Intake of 100 grams of pumpkin seeds make up for 83 percent of daily recommended value. Apart from being a good source of iron, Pumpkin seeds are also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and helps lower cholesterol.
Iron in 100 grams Pumpkin seeds: 15 mg

Vegan foods contain heme iron which isn’t readily absorbed by the body. As compared to non-heme iron which can be absorbed upto 30 percent, heme  iron can only be  absorbed upto 2 to 10 percent. It is therefore important to club iron rich foods with foods rich in vitamin C to enhance iron absorption.

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