Monday, September 23, 2013

In Pursuit of High-Tech Babies: Risks Involved in IVF Treatment

After three decades of IVF baby boom, researchers can now talk with authority about the lasting effects of the revolutionary assisted reproductive technology that gave life to five million children worldwide. A research shows that among 4,795 babies born after IVF and 46,025 infants who were conceived naturally, 3,463 babies developed congenital birth defects. There are yet many risks involved for children and mothers seeking IVF treatment.

Listed below are some of the research findings about the ill-effects of IVF treatment:

1. Multiple Births
Mothers in pursuit of single child may be blessed with twins, triplets or in some cases, octuplets. Research shows that a woman undergoing IVF has an approximate 22-fold increased risk of conceiving a twin pregnancy and a 100-fold increased risk of conceiving a triplet pregnancy. The truth remains that the chances of not conceiving even a single child is just as high, leaving the IVF process unpredictable and risky.  

Since women under the age of 35 have a less than 43% chance of giving birth after IVF as compared to women over 41 who have less than 18% chance, more than one embryo is implanted in the uterus to ensure successful pregnancy. However, implanting more than one embryo in the uterus increasing the chances of multiple pregnancies  and leading to complications and higher risks of early labor and low birth weight.

Although doctors today have become more cautious and technological advancements to determine the health of an embryo are readily available, yet the risks are high if age of expecting mothers is beyond 35. 

2. Development of Ovarian Hyper stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) in Women

Ovarian stimulation drugs are used in the initial stages of IVF cycle to induce ovulation. These injectable fertility drugs lead to development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome which causes swelling of ovaries leading to severe pain, weight gain and breathlessness. Use of fertility drugs like human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) for triggering octocycte release are common but should not be exceeded. Some of the symptoms are mild abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

3. Egg-retrieval Procedure Complications
There are many complications involved in procuring eggs from the uterus. An aspirating needle is used which may cause bleeding, infection or damage to the bowel. It is recommended to take up IVF treatment from a skilled surgeon after consulting gynecologists for a second medical opinion. Evaluate the risks involved when talking to your doctor and make sure you opt for a hygienic and technologically equipped fertility centre.

4. Birth Defects
Age of mother is the determining factor in development of birth defects in children. One study shows that almost ten percent of the babies born with IVF has a birth defect. A study shows that about 47 in 100,000 infants born from IVF developed cognitive deficits, such as low IQ or problems in communicating or socializing with others, compared with 40 in 100,000 among naturally conceived children.

5. Neurological Imbalance

In a recent study considered to be the largest study to date looking at the connection between IVF procedures and neurological disorders, researchers show that babies born through IVF  develop intellectual disabilities. The risks are higher among twins and triplets.

By Medical Opinion

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