Monday, August 12, 2013

Debunking the Protein Myth: Five Facts about High Protein Diet

Debunking the protein myth- more is good- is often considered sacrilegious by the diet gurus who promote the health benefits of high Protein diet - it helps build mass, controls obesity, strengthens muscles, and keeps you feeling full on long working day.
Every time you plan your diet, you are driven towards adding those extra doses of protein supplements you think your body requires for staying fit. Here are five reasons to monitor your protein intake:-
High Protein Diet Controls Weight, But Drains Nutrition from the Body
Obesity is a common problem that has received undue attention in the recent years.  So much so, that there has been a spurt of weight loss centres’ and diet books advocating a high protein diet such as Atkins diet as a healthy means to shed extra pounds.
The Atkins diet is a high protein diet with limited or no carbohydrate intake. Fruits, vegetables and cereals are an important source of dietary fibre and cutting down on them leads to vitamin deficiency, which sequentially causes digestive problems and in the long run, colon cancer.

High Protein Diet Leads to Osteoporosis
Many recent studies support the claim that sustaining on a high protein diet without an adequate carbohydrate intake leads to decrease in bone density, consecutively leading to osteoporosis. 
High protein intake increases the ph level of blood, disturbing the alkaline balance of the bloodstream. The body thereby liberates more carbonate compounds from bones to balance the ph level and this in turn leads to loss of calcium from bones. Although Protein intake in many high protein diets is derived mainly from dairy products, yet your body may require more calcium to process the high amount of protein present in your diet.
High Protein Diet Leads to Cancer
Restricting intake of carbohydrates along with a high protein diet leads to colon cancer. Foods that have high amount of carbohydrate are rich in minerals, fibre, vitamins and antioxidants, and limiting them in your diet causes digestive problems which when prolonged causes colon cancer.

High Protein Diet Puts Strain on Internal Organs
Calorie intake is very important for adequate functioning of all body organs. Restricting calorie intake with high protein diet causes metabolic disorders as the body needs to break down high levels of protein and fat, instead of glucose generated from carbohydrates, to generate energy.
Burning down of body fat leads to accumulation of ketones and leads to a disease called ketosis. Ketones eat eating away protein present in the tissues of body organs, leading to organ failure.

High Protein Diet Raises Risks of Cardiovascular Diseases
A high protein diet promotes the extra intake of red meat, eggs, and full fat dairy products which are rich in saturated fats, leading to rise in cholesterol levels in blood. High cholesterol levels are reported to cause fatal diseases like cancer and over consumption of saturated fats present in meat and dairy products is a well-known menace that leads to chronic cardiovascular problems.

By Medical Opinion

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