Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Long Term Effects of LASIK Eye Surgery

The Television Adverts, your next door neighbour, or a school friend who has recently binned her glasses makes LASIK or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis eye surgery for vision correction seem so straightforward- a five minutes procedure which makes you get rid of your nagging glasses, forever.
Since, LASIK surgery is relatively new, little has been researched and written about its long term effects; yet, many people who wear glasses or contact lenses are tempted by it. “The thought of being able to see perfectly with a naked eye seems fantastic”, exclaims a LASIK patient.
But, is it worth? Many patients who have undergone the procedure share their views on the long term effects of laser eye surgery. Most of them feel cheated by their surgeons as they weren’t warned about the side effects in the initial consultation. Make sure you take a second medical opinion before you opt for a LASIK surgery, which alters the shape of the cornea to correct long and short-sightedness.

Some of the adverse effects reported by the patients are listed below:

Dryness in eyes is common among LASIK patients and can last up to a year after surgery. Some patients also develop dry eye syndrome which causes blurred vision and reduces vision quality.
Dryness is caused by damage to nerves which stimulate tears and keep eyes lubricated. Daily dose of lubricating eye drops is a must after surgery, but over use of tear drops has its own set of complications. It may lead to chronic eye inflammation and infections.
 Limiting the use of bright screens, keeping the air around you moist by keeping a mud urn filled with water, reminding yourself to blink more often and adequate rest can reduce dryness and keep you from developing a chronic eye problem.

Blurry Vision:
The procedure of LASIK surgery is complicated and if not carried out properly may lead to blurry vision. The flap in the cornea is cut and lifted with laser to reshape the corneal tissue underneath. The corneal flap is placed back to its original position.  However, if the flap doesn’t adhere to the eye properly or is wrinkled, it causes speckles in the vision.
These speckles or floaters appear as black lines or dots that float in the eye and can obstruct vision. Although, floaters are harmless and the obstruction caused by them is very minimal yet, they can be very annoying.

Poor Night Vision:
Some patients have difficulty seeing at night after LASIK surgery. The symptoms include double vision, halo vision, glare and low contrast. The symptoms are exacerbated when driving in poor weather or at night. The quality of night vision decreases with age.

The result of the surgery depends on factors like the age of the patient during the time of the surgery, family history of diabetes or other eye problems and lifestyle of the patient. It has been reported in a 2005 study that five to fifteen percent of LASIK patients require additional surgery to improve their vision after a period of five years.

Although a LASIK eye surgery can bring a great change in your lifestyle as the vision is corrected to almost 90 percent after the surgery. But, it is important to choose the right Eye surgeon for the treatment. Consult a medical specialist or request a second medical opinion from a medical expert to determine whether you the right candidate for LASIK.

By Medical Opinion

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